We’re currently experiencing high temperatures and Fall-like weather here in the Netherlands, though it was cold when I came up with this prompt. And since this prompt is all about fiction, surely you can come up with a fun story about building a snowman together or maybe spotting a special one besides the road.
Whichever road for inspiration you choose, and whether you prefer to write without following the prompt, share your story with us below. Let’s make the world sexier, Deluxians!
Extra special prompt:
It’s a cold and snowy winter day, and you decide to build a snowman in your front yard. As you work, you notice that the snowman seems to be coming to life. At first, you think it’s just your imagination, but as the snowman starts to move and speak, you realize it’s real! The snowman introduces itself as Frosty and tells you it’s been brought to life by a magic hat. Frosty asks for your help finding its hat, which has been lost in the woods. Together, you set off on a snowy adventure to find the hat and restore Frosty’s magic. Along the way, you encounter all sorts of obstacles, from mischievous goblins to treacherous ice bridges. Will you be able to find the hat and help Frosty return to its magical snowman form?
(Written by ChatGPT)