Prompt 103: Honest

Created by Nightcafe All relationships benefit from true honesty, there is no doubt about it. Perhaps a truth is revealed to your character when they are honest with themselves, or…

Prompt 102: Mundane

Created with AI though Nightcafe How is this a sexy writing prompt, I hear you asking? Well, because we all experience the mundane. We live through it every day, and…

Prompt 101: Bottle

Image by Amy Art-Dreams from Pixabay  Naturally a bottle can contain many substances. And no, not only liquor ;) Though it can contain a specific wine a romantic partner was interested in, it…

Prompt 100 Dream

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay  Technically, you could say all of fiction writing is like working up a dream, one generated by the author and consumed by the reader. And all the…

Prompt 99 Radio

Image by Lubos Houska from Pixabay  The technique may be old-fashioned, but even today many radios are still in use and are bringing joy to people's lives. Perhaps your character has a secret…

Prompt 98 Puzzle

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  Of course, life can be seen as a puzzle, and even maintaining relationships can be complicated. But sometimes, it just matches. Perhaps the protagonist finds a partner…

Prompt 97 Energy

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay  The prompt 'energy' can be interpreted in many ways. It can be about the energy you need to power your lights and refrigerator, but it can also…

Prompt 96 Snowman

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay  We're currently experiencing high temperatures and Fall-like weather here in the Netherlands, though it was cold when I came up with this prompt. And since this prompt…

Prompt 95 Happy New Year

Picture from It's that time again for resolutions and plans for your new diet and fitness regime. It's never too late to reevaluate your life and see what improvements…

Prompt 94 Christmas Ornaments

Image by Maura Nicolaita from Pixabay  It's that time of year again. People are putting lights up and bringing Christmas trees into their homes. Of course they'll need other Christmas ornaments too, or…