Prompt 109: Tea

There's something about a warm cup of tea that just feels comforting. It's a simple pleasure that can bring people together, whether it's sharing a pot of tea with a…

Prompt 108 – Rich

Created with Nightcafe.studio Money can't buy love, or so they say. But what happens when your character falls in love with someone who is extremely wealthy? Does their wealth complicate…

Prompt 107 – Fragile

Picture from Love is a fragile thing. It can be easily broken and shattered, leaving those who once believed in its power feeling lost and alone. Maybe your character…

Prompt 106: Cold

Created with Cold can be a powerful metaphor for the challenges that love can bring. It can feel like a frozen wasteland, with barriers that can be difficult to…

Prompt 105: Illusion

Created with Love can sometimes feel like an illusion. We imagine the perfect partner, the perfect relationship, but the reality can be quite different. Perhaps your character is under…

From Artistic Flair to Erotic Desire:

Our Latest Writing Prompt Submissions Are a Must-Read Created with Nightcafe Studio We're excited to share two fantastic stories that were recently submitted to Prompt 104 - Art! These stories…

Prompt 104 – Art

Created with Nightcafe Studio Write a story about two artists who fall in love through their shared passion for art. Your main characters could be painters, sculptors, musicians, or any…

Prompt 103: Honest

Created by Nightcafe All relationships benefit from true honesty, there is no doubt about it. Perhaps a truth is revealed to your character when they are honest with themselves, or…

Prompt 102: Mundane

Created with AI though Nightcafe How is this a sexy writing prompt, I hear you asking? Well, because we all experience the mundane. We live through it every day, and…

Prompt 101: Bottle

Image by Amy Art-Dreams from Pixabay  Naturally a bottle can contain many substances. And no, not only liquor ;) Though it can contain a specific wine a romantic partner was interested in, it…